What exactly do I do?

My best.

The websites I build are fast, efficient, and beautiful.

I specialize in custom design and development, and will work with you to create a look that is uniquely yours.

Pixel-perfect Design

Down to the very last detail.

Why settle for a satisfactory website that looks and feels exactly like everyone else's?

I build custom websites full of personality and style that is sure to match your brand and vibe. There's no tweaking of templates here, just pure, custom design.

When first impressions are everything, let's leave your visitors floored.

Coded to Perfection

The secret ingredient is love.

Though in all seriousness, I truly love what I do - and it shows. The sites I built are coded to the highest standards.

This attention to detail ensures that your site remains fast, accessible and SEO-friendly.

There's no Wordpress or Squarespace bloat - your site stays lightweight and responsive. No other site builder can compare.

Connect Everything

It's not just a website, it's a hub.

With access to the backend code, I can integrate literally any API service that you need.

We can connect your website to your CRM, your email marketing platform, your social media accounts... anything you can think of. And with web scraping tools, we can even connect to services that don't have APIs.

Fast & Efficient

Outperform the competition.

I am constantly optimizing my code to ensure that your website is as fast as possible.

These optimizations help your website rank higher in search engines, and keep your visitors on your site longer.

And with server monitoring, I can keep a close eye on your site's performace and make adjustments as needed.


Whatever you don't want to deal with, I will.

I get it - you're busy. And you don't want to deal with the minutia of maintaining a website.

I am available to manage any aspect of your website - and anything that is tangentially related to it.

I want you to be able to spend your time doing what you love - creating. I've got the rest.

Let's Talk

People say I am really good at it.

If you're ready to get started, or just want to learn more, you can reach out to me at any time.

I'm always available to chat, and I'm always ready to help you with your next project.

You can also email me at jeff@carbine.co or find me on Discord at @mcpux if you like.

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